Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy National Library Week!

Don't you think it's time you did something nice for your favorite librarian?  If you don't have a favorite, just pick me!  My fellow librarians and I came up with some good suggestions we wish would be discounted in honor of this celebratory week:
-Offer us a discount on cardigans, preferably argyles
-Stylists, can you offer a price reduction on a shampoo, blow out and bun?  And just tuck a pencil in if you don't have hairpins
-We're looking for deals on the chains we use to keep track of our glasses-they always manage to get lost
-Do you do shoe repair?  We need our pointy shoes fixed.
Ok, these might be a bit far-fetched, but how about just paying that quarter library fine you've owed for the past 6 months?

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