Wednesday, October 20, 2010

From the Ashes

On February 20, 2003, a fire in The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island killed 100 people.  Sparks from a live band's pyrotechnics display ignited the highly flammable and toxic insulating foam that had been applied to the walls and ceiling of the club.  Within several minutes the entire building was consumed.  Gina Russo, a survivor of that night, writes an emotional, if occasionally repetitive memoir, From the ashes.  The summary of the events of the fire and the code violations that allowed for its rapid spread were descriptive and detailed, as were the medical procedures Russo endured, and the legal and criminal aspects of the tragedy.  In the more personal and emotional part of the story, Russo writes about her loss, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and depression that somehow was laced with optimism.  I think this segment of the retelling cast a slight doubt in the credibility of the author to accurately recall events.  The topic interested me as a historical disaster, however the copious spelling and grammatical errors throughout the text made me wonder if maybe I should look into moonlighting as a proofreader?  This is a self published book which has received a lot of promotion in the Northeast.  Too bad for the writing...this was a story worth telling...this could have been a good seller.

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