- See this factsheet from Alzheimer's Disease International on the prevalence of this condition.
- The Alzheimer's Association offers these brain health tips
- For a comprehensive look at facts, current statistics, economic and social impacts of the disease and recommendations for further research and involvement see the World Alzheimer Report 2010 (56 page PDF document)
PCL resources on Alzheimer's Disease:
If you missed last evening's library program by author Fred Buse, check out his recent book, A Caregiver’s Tips: My Wife Had Alzheimer’s Disease
Speaking our minds: What it's like to have Alzheimer's
The last of his mind: A year in the shadow of Alzheimer's
The Alzheimer's project: Momentum in science
The 36-hour day: A family guide to caring for people with Alzheimer disease, other dementias, and memory loss in later life
Passages in caregiving: Turning chaos into confidence
Thanks--my friend's wife is suffering from Alzheimer's--this is a good resource.