Saturday, March 26, 2011

In my office...

April's Marie Claire has an article 'What does your desk say about you?'  Of course, everyone makes some kind of personality statement with what's in their office.  I thought I'd share a virtual trip to my office with you and take a look at some things I like with me when I'm working.
Yes, I do have my diploma (which Marie Claire says shows your boss they've hired a winner- I sure hope so!).  Actually it was just sitting on the floor at my apartment, where I'll never have as much room as in my office, so it's actually a space saver.
My coffee mug (vital)- I use a San Diego Wild Animal Park mug, mainly because I had two at home which I got when my daughter and I camped there.  (Marie Claire says don't go for a too cutesy design)
Box of tissues- Marie Claire says it makes you look compassionate.  Mine also double as napkins because I love to eat at my desk.
Moccasins- sometimes my feet hurt...MC says it shows you're "motivated and concerned about your well-being."  Ok, I just don't want achy feet.
Fingerless gloves- Mine are grey wool with red skulls (there's my personality coming through!)
US Holocaust Museum calendar- My fave charity...they send me one every year with my membership.
A soft shawl- A gift from the lady who retired from my job.  I think of her fondly every time I use it.
Sea salt grinder & pepper mill- Sorry about the sodium, but I need my veggies seasoned.
Two small plush bears- A white one & a brown one which were gifts from a wonderful friend and library volunteer.
My Lenox heart shaped candy dish- Always filled with peppermint LifeSavers...I'm addicted.
My bulletin board- Surprisingly for a librarian no cat pics.  I have a couple pics of my kids and monkeys (no, they are not one and the same!).  Also an article on how to behave in front of a gorilla, just in case one should happen through my office.
All in all, I think I'm pretty organized, but then I do have a lot of room to spread out.  Maybe I could further de-clutter my apartment by taking more stuff to work!

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